White Box: FMAG Dungeon Crawl – 1


I just picked up a copy of the White Box: Fantasy Medieval Adventure Game, but I’ve been reading the PDF version while waiting for my paperback copy to arrive. The rules are so simple and appealing that I had to throw together a completely random party (3d6 in order, no swapping) and do a little exploring. That ragged band of misfits is above, and the adventure starts below.

Random Quest Generation

The party consists of six strangers, brought together by the opportunity for some easy money. Each was passing through the village when they saw the notice posted ~500 gold coins for anyone who can retrieve a flask of the ambrosiac water from a certain subterranean spring to break the curse strangling the town.

Ill-equipped but confident, the six head out into the wilderness and eventually arrive at a dark hillock set in the midst of a forest. No trail leads up the hill, but they head up until they find an entryway cut into the soft earth, shored up with stones. Within lies a staircase.

They light their torches and head into the darkness.

The Dungeon
Rolling on the Scarlet Heroes tables, I’ve decided that this will be a cavern area with 9 rooms. My goal is to find a certain spring somewhere within the cave complex.

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